This past Sunday, we dived into the second week of our study on the Power of Strength. We tried to use our muscles to break empty egg shells and empty snail shells. And while the snail shells looked delicate, they were very strong.  We also read and defined a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's book "Strength to Love", which read "God has two outstretched arms. One that is strong enough to surround us with Justice, and one that is gentle enough to embrace us with Grace."  This quote gives us insight into any one of our 33 Strengths; that they can be both strong and gentle simultaneously. That our Power of Strength can be both vibrant and flexible.
This next Sunday we will explore which one, or more, of the 33 strengths that we wrote down on our worksheet, we will write onto our white stone. The White Stone can be placed somewhere to remind us daily of our Strength and what we can accomplish.  
Join us and we all can share our Power of Strength together.

We invite you to join us at Unity Center of Peace on Sundays at 11:00am with your younger family members. While you enjoy our Celebration Service in the sanctuary, they will benefit from participating in our robust, loving, nurturing curriculum for children and youth. All programs are age-appropriate and are led by our carefully selected, and fully background checked, Spiritual Education staff members.

Our YFM rooms are in the upstairs part of the building and Sunday School resides from 11am-12:10pm. Please be sure to sign your child in using the clipboard on the door. Near the end of service, the children will be brought downstairs by the Youth Ed teacher to give a brief announcement about what they did and what they learned and to receive a special UCP blessing by the minister and congretation. We currently do not have a program for teens (Y.O.U). Teens are encouraged to sit in the Sunday Service with their parents at this time. 

We envision young people growing up with a clear grasp of their spiritual nature and power, living from their ability to make a difference in the world, to express love, to choose kindness, to relate authentically, and to model spiritual values.

MORE about our YED, Shannon Preto 
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Contact Person: Shannon Preto
Role: Youth Ed Director

We're Hiring - Sunday Youth Ed Assistant


Part-time - up to 5-8 hours per month at an hourly rate of $15 per hour

YFM Assistant Hours Every other Sunday; 10:30am-1:00pm

Invoice to be submitted last Sunday of each month - Paid on 1st Sunday of following month

- Assist the YFM teacher on a Sunday morning during the Spiritual Education experience
- Play with and care for younger children (aged 1-4) who are too young to participate in the Sunday YFM program
- Work with teens on an as-needed basis
- To clean and tidy the YFM space and to spend time with the children (and parents) at the After Service Social Hour

The Teacher Assistant is supervised by the Youth Ed Director.

RESPONSIBILITIES - Children’s Program
-  Greet families upon arrival and ensure that each child is signed in on the sign-in sheet on the door. Include children and parent’s full names, email and phone number.
-  Coordinate your schedule with Youth Ed Director on a monthly basis
-  Accompany children to the restroom if/as needed
-  Play with toddlers and young children who are not yet able to participate in the program
-  Accompany the teacher and children to the Sanctuary at the end of the service
-  Participate in the Sunday lesson and help the teacher as needed
-  If no children are present, attend the Sunday service (and be available if/as needed should a child arrive) (paid)

Experience in working with children (Ie., education, counseling, day care, baby-sitting).
Enjoys spending time with children and has skills in re-direction, imaginative play, and creating a fun, safe environment

Email resume to