Sunday Celebration Service

Sun, April 27 2025 11:00 am - 12:15 pm

Each service is a soul-celebration with uplifting positive music, a short meditation, and an inspirational message delivered by our minister or guest speaker. The service generally lasts a little over an hour and folks leave feeling inspired and empowered. You’ll be ready to begin your week with an open heart and positive attitude.

The dress code is simple: wear what you feel comfortable in. We’re a relaxed bunch.

The entire service is also being livestreamed so that folks can watch on YouTube and Facebook from wherever they are. You may notice a camera on the side-wall pointing toward the platform. You are invited to stay for our Sacred Cafe (social hour) aftwards and enjoy light snacks, coffee and team.

 LEARN MORE about our next Sunday service experience. 

We welcome children of all ages to participate in our vibrant Youth Program! To learn more about the Sunday youth experience CLICK HERE.




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