Outreach & Caring for the Community
Graceful Living Asissted Living Facility
Graceful Living Asissted Living Facility is a facility providing supportive services to individuals who can function independently in most areas of activity, but need assistance and/or monitoring to assure safety and well being. They currently have 61 residents, are a coed residence and medicaid funded. The Carlisle has identified a need for mens' belts and clothing for both men and women. All donations are appreciated. We are hoping this is the beginning of a positive association and will keep you in the loop as other areas of need are identified. Thank you!
Please drop all bagged clothing items into the white basket in the UCP foyer.
You may contribute on Sundays after service or come by UCP, Tues-Fri between 1pm-4pm for drop off. Thank you for your caring spirit and thoughtful donations!
Anything With A Plug
UCP’s Sacred Activism Team is sponsoring an organization called "Antying With A Plug". This organization gives us the opportunity to recycle any small to medium sized electronic device or appliance with a plug. You may also bring any used batteries (except not car batteries).
We've Got Your Back Team (WGYB)
Do you enjoy lending a helping hand? The mission of the WGYB team is to express caring and compassion for members of our spiritual family during times of illness or crisis by providing food, transportation and friendly visits.
If you would like to join our team of caring and supportive individuals please email Doloras Branch at
Wear For All
UCP is supporting Amity United Methodist Church's Clothes Closet initiative called Wear for All. We are collecting gently used clothing for all ages. We donate types of clothing dependent on the season. For the Spring and Summer seasons you may donate any light weight clothing items such as shorts, t-shirts, tank tops, short sleeved shirts, light weight pants, dresses or warm weather shoes. For the Fall and Winter seasons you may donate warm clothing and shoes such as sweaters, sweatsuites, long sleeved shirts, pants, dresses, hats, scarves, gloves, boots, etc.
Please drop all bagged clothing items into the white basket in the UCP foyer.
You may contribute on Sundays after service or come by UCP, Tues-Fri between 12pm-4pm for drop off. Thank you for your caring spirit and thoughtful donations!