Living the Truth We Know


This blog is the text of talk from Sunday August 25th that was unfortunately not recorded. We focused on the 5th Unity Principle.

Let’s first do a brief review of where we have been these last four weeks.

We’ve been studying The 5 Principles book by Ellen Debenport, with bookstudy groups to enhance our understanding of these universal principles. In addition, the Midweek Meditations have been designed to help you embody principles.

CLICK HERE to access those meditations.

Principle 1: God is absolute good, everywhere present. That first week we took a deep dive into the Olympic pool, exploring the nature of God from a New Thought perspective - shifting our thinking from "being" as an entity to "being" as the ground of being, the intelligent essence behind and within everything. We then explored the qualities of this Universal One: Love, Abundance, Peace, Intelligence and Creativity, Beauty, Joy, Fulfilment, and Perfect Order.

That same week we looked at Principle 2: We are that. We realized that because we are expressions of this One, that must be our nature too. The same qualities we just identified about the Universal One, we are as well. We also looked at some of the reasons why that doesn't always appear to be so in our lives.

 The next week we “poll-vaulted” into Gold with Principle 3: We are Co-Creators with the One.  Because we are an ever-evolving species, we are in the process of taking the quantum leap into understanding our innate creative ability, and learning to use it consciously, and wisely. On the whole, we are beginning to learn that our thoughts, words and feelings are powerful in shaping our experience. We are collectively moving from “victim” to “victor”.

But the real gold is understanding that’s it’s not really our thoughts per se, it’s where our thoughts take us. It’s more the feeling-tone that creates an energy field, or vibration, that attracts like energy.

We also talked about the subconscious patterns that can counteract our conscious intention, but that when we work to uproot those, and heal them, we can more fully align ourselves with our intention.

And last week, Rev. Ana Quintana was with us to explore with us Principle 4: Meditation and Prayer are the tools we use to experience our Spiritual Truth. She shared with us how prayer does not change our world, it changes us. In other words, prayer – particularly affirmative prayer – shifts us…so that we are coming from a vibration of realizing we have already been given what we truly desire. And as I demonstrated with the previous week with the ice-cube trays, Divine Energy moves through the mold of our consciousness and takes the shape of our vibrational field. It does this all the time, whether we’re aware of it or not!  Affirmative prayer helps us be intentional about it.

So, now that we understand, and have integrated all of these principles, what now?

Clearly, it’s time to demonstrate it! Take this renewed consciousness out into the world and share it with others. So, Principle 5: It’s not enough to know these truths, we must live the truth we know.

Sometimes that means intentionally helping to shift the collective consciousness. That might look like we intentionally add our love, peace and abundant thoughts into this collective dream of separation, fear and lack. This is not always an easy task. As Depenport says, “Living the truth, or practicing principle, is very often a swim upstream against mass consciousness.” That takes courage. It takes courage to affirm abundance in the midst of an economic downturn. It takes courage to declare peace in the midst of conflict. It takes courage to embody Divine Order in the midst of chaos. But as Maya Angelou said, “Courage is the most important virtue. Because without courage you cannot practice any other virtue consistently.” And here’s the thing – for those of us who are awake, it’s something we’re called to do. If not us, who? If not now, when?

Every thought and act of love, every thought and act of peace, every thought and act of “Yes, it’s possible, good is possible here” makes an impact…and helps to create that shift.

That is part of living the truth we know. 

The other meaning of living the truth we know is taking action in the world following inner guidance. Helping to make the world a better place. Being of service to others.

Like Trinette Furtado who was guided in a very unique form of service from her home in Maui. As you all know, the historic town of Lahaina in Maui was completely destroyed by fast-moving fire a year ago. 100 people lost their lives and 1700 buildings were destroyed – most of those people’s homes.

Directly after the event Trinette felt her ‘ohana’ (meaning family, community). She felt compelled to do something to help her neighbors. So got donations of water, trash bags, batteries, rakes, etc. and took them directly to people…to their homes. But, she says, “No one would come out of their homes. They were too traumatized!”

And she felt discouraged, until her daughter said to her, “Mom, you know what would make people come out of their homes?” What?” she asked. “Ice cream.” She laughed and then thought about it and decided “Yes that just might work!” So she got together with a friend and they got donations of ice cream and care packages and have been going through the streets of Leiali’i, which is where a lot of survivors took refuge – playing the ice cream truck song over a loud speaker. And guess what? People came out of their homes with a big smile on their face. They have become known as the “Ice Cream Aunties”. She also has toys for the kids and a wheel kids can spin to win free sprinkles and fun things.

Speaking of the joy she brings her community Furtado says: “It is not only palpable, it is infectious. It is contagious,". "And that's why I do it. That's why I keep doing it. Because even with all of this stuff that normally will take people down, we have these opportunities where we can lift each other up. And eat some ice cream too!” 

Not only has she been helping people practically (with the care packages) but she is also literally shifting the collective vibration there. Her actions are allowing people to experience joy again. And together as a community, vibrating to the energy of joy, shifts people out of that collective trauma, and into the possibility that life continues…and it can be good. Which is probably more effective than any kind of traditional therapy.

What is calling you? What’s important to you? What’s your ‘ohana? How can you bring your talents, abilities and love to help make the world a better place?

Some of you are already in some sort of service. Some are serving in social justice efforts, or get-out-the-vote efforts, or volunteering at various charities.  It’s all an expression of love…all living the truth we know…and sharing our light. As has been mentioned many times here in the last year or so, the beautiful Jewish practice of Tikkan Olam is the idea that it is our purpose here to lovingly repair the world.

Now, Debenport does caution us (along with other voices that have spoken about this) that we serve the world from a place of love and fullness, not from anger and resistance. That we fight for something, rather than against something.  Gandhi often encouraged people to focus on what they were fighting for—truth, justice, and love—rather than being consumed by hatred or opposition to others.

Mother Teresa famously said, “If you hold an anti-war rally I shall not attend. But if you hold a Pro-peace rally, invite me.”

Because we’ve “fought against” for way too long. And how has that worked out? Think of the war of drugs, the war on terrorism, the war on crime, the battle against cancer. By definition we are setting up resistance to what it is we want. Imagine if we changed that energy and intention, and instead…

Worked to promote health and sobriety.

Fought for peace and reconciliation.

Promoted mental health for all.

Worked to educate all children and gave everyone an equal chance, so that no child thinks their only choice in life is to join a gang. 

It’s the energy with which we do everything that makes the impact – either positive or negative. We are either being the answer, or making the problem more entrenched.

Now, closer to home, a lot of folks at Unity Center of Peace are sharing their love and talents on one of our Ministry Teams. And, let’s be clear, when you serve in support of your spiritual community, you are saying “Yes, I believe spiritual growth is important!” “Helping to create, and support, a community that collectively is a healing presence in the world, is important!”. “Creating a place that helps people awaken to Oneness, and experience inner peace, is important.” Absolutely. The more and more of us that awaken to oneness, the more peace we will have in the world. What could be more important than that?

So, we invite you to participate in checking out the different Ministry Teams we have here.

CLICK HERE to explore all the different ways you can be of service, and “live the truth you know.”

Unity Center of Peace Is In the News!
Ode to UCP by David Glass


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