Miracle of Life
“I am a Miracle of Life. I am a Living expression of divine strength and wholeness! “
This affirmation card fell off my desk yesterday, face up. As I looked at it and resonated with it, I began to realize it’s an important awareness for this point in our retreat from viral risks. The affirmation itself is straight out of the writings of the Fillmores on the subject of health and wholeness — expressing a powerful way to keep expressing ourselves as the creators of Universal life experience.
Yesterday, I saw a photo on Facebook of an old friend, Steve — a longtime survivor and fighter against recurrent squamous cell carcinoma. In this picture, he’s clearly lost his ability to stay strong. The change in his appearance and energy is haunting and terrifying. It has made me realize I need to be grateful for the ability to remember that I CAN say this affirmation: “I am a miracle of life: I AM a living expression of divine strength and wholeness!”
One thing I find is happening emotionally to many at this point in the social isolating process is lessening self confidence. Anxiety starts to ramp up as beliefs about what make us worthwhile have fewer chances to manifest, and our usual ways of being rewarded for our competence , like personal contact and earnings , become less certain.
This morning as I was talking with a normally upbeat young woman, she said that she’s having a hard time feeling worthwhile. I found that interesting, and heard myself saying that we are worthwhile and even miraculous just by living and breathing . She laughed uproariously. I cited the example of the carbon dioxide in our breath— necessary to the trees and other plants. She laughed even more, especially when I insisted a bit.
When I asked her if the trees were important, she didn’t laugh. Yes — seriously — they are very important.
Then we are important in the same global way. We circulate not only carbon dioxide and oxygen. We also breathe and share creativity and love, expressions of life that other beings need just as desperately as plants need our physical carbon dioxide. I AM worthwhile and important just by being — physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Let us reflect for a moment on this powerful affirmation and its many aspects of Truth.
“I am a miracle of life!! I am a living expression of divine strength and wholeness.” And so it is, globally!!