Time: 11:00AM - 12:15PM (ET)
Music: Julie Pendleton and John Moore
Our Power of Sacred Community
Speaker: Chris Geith

Join Chris Geith in getting to know our “hidden” Unity Power of Community. We are interconnected and interwoven in beautiful and wonderous ways – not always visible to our eyes. Like trees, we nourish each other in tangible and subtle ways that foster the health of the collective and the wellbeing of each individual and family.  We’ll explore and experience our Power of Sacred community as we gather in celebration at our annual meeting after the service. 

Join us in our lovely sanctuary for our in-person service OR
On Facebook Live at https://www.facebook.com/unitychapelhill OR
on YouTube Live at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLC1D5xZlLok-SsqiOmNfwA


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