The Abundance Project Series and Book Study
Starting Sunday, August 6 th we will be exploring a new way of thinking about, and experiencing
abundance in all areas: Health, Love, Wealth and Happiness. This series is inspired by Derek
Rydall’s book The Abundance Project. Each Sunday we’ll explore a new chapter where we’ll
discover spiritual principles guaranteed to transform our understanding of prosperity. In
addition to the Sunday series, we will be hosting a book study to dive more deeply into these
principles…and there are two ways to join: In person Sunday after the service with Marea
Kavanagh facilitating, and via Zoom on Monday evening with Rev. Victoria.
Here are Marea’s personal thoughts on the material:
“As I have started reading The Abundance Project in advance of our upcoming book study, it
has become abundantly clear (pun intended) that I am thirsting for these insights. Again and
again, I find myself reading and re-reading a paragraph that speaks to me…making notes…and
contemplating how these Spiritual Truths apply to aspects of my life where I’m currently
struggling. I’ve had more than a few ‘aha’ moments and I’m only on the second chapter. And
in a world that feels increasingly out of control and full of struggle, I’m also considering how
these Principles apply to the ‘big picture’, and what is ours to do? I’d love to have a
conversation about this.
I’m excited at the thought of a group of us in the Sanctuary on Sunday afternoons, or on Zoom
on Monday evenings, sharing of ourselves, supporting each other, and coming together in
Oneness as we integrate the Abundance Principles into our lives. If you are new to this
community, what a perfect way to grasp the spiritual Principles while making new friends. If
you are concerned that you may not have time to stay caught up with the reading every week,
please do not worry! We are using this book as a guide to a much bigger conversation that I’m
sure you will enjoy participating in. And if you know you won’t be able to attend every week,
join us anyway. We all have busy lives and your presence some of the time is much better than
none of the time. I have a very deep sense that this is going to be a special 6 weeks.”
As an exciting bonus the book’s author (and personal life coach to many celebrities) Derek
Rydall, will be joining us live, via Zoom, for a free coaching call!! But you need to register for the
book study to get the Zoom link. Click here to register now -
And to access the weekly book study guides, click here -
See you there!