You set your bank account or credit card during the simple, secure first time set up. After that, simply text the amount (Ex. 100) to UCP's Giving Number: 919-883-9441

Give Via Text Questions

What is UCP's Giving Number?

919-883-9441 . This is exclusively for UCP for the purpose of text-based giving.

Save this in your contacts for easy reference!

Will text giving show up on my phone bill?

Never. You set up a payment method (bank account, credit/debit card) during the simple first time setup.

What are the instructions to start text giving?

Use a smartphone or computer for initial payment setup.
  1. Text $ and your amount to 919-883-9441.
    Optional: include a frequency (how often you'd like to give): weekly, biweekly, monthly
  2. Follow the instructions texted back to you. You will need to go online briefly for the first time setup.

How do I change my payment method, add a recurring gift, edit my stuff?

Text update to the giving number - 919-883-9441 - and follow the instructions.

Can I get a list of all I can do via text?

Yes, here is a page for all of the text commands:

View text commands

Online Giving Questions

How do I start a scheduled (recurring) gift?

  1. Click the Give Now button above.
  2. Go to the bottom part of the form and click/tap on one time gift.
  3. Choose how often and when you would like it to start.
  4. Complete the other information and click/tap the Donate Now button at the bottom.

How do I update my online giving?

Please sign to our system. If you don't think you had a username, try the Create Account option.

Sign in - Breeze  Create Account

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