UCP's 40th Year Anniversary Celebration
We are celebrating our 40th Anniversary here at UCP! 40 years ago, a group of individuals came together with a vision…a vision for a loving community where folks would support one another in accessing their inner Divine power, connecting with Spirit in nature, remembering our Oneness with all, and radiating that Peace out to the world.
We’ve grown in size, membership and programs, but that original vision is still very much alive. In fact, it fuels all that we do here. And that vision has taken us through some pretty rough times over the years when we didn’t think we’d make it. But we’re still here, and stronger than ever!
We are making preparations for one heck of a celebration on Sunday, June 30th. We want to celebrate all the people who have been a part of Unity Center of Peace over the years. It will be a true “homecoming”. You’ll see folks you haven’t seen in a long time – and some of them will be sharing a song, a poem, or a memory of UCP in the early days. There will be a fun photobooth to mark the occasion, and face painting for the kids (childcare will be available from 1-3.)
The afternoon will begin with a cookout on the back deck with a champagne toast! Look for a wall of old photos in the foyer – you just might be in one or two! – and a timeline where you can indicate the year you were part of this beautiful spiritual community. If you feel so moved, please send your well wishes and a sentence or two about how Unity Center of Peace has impacted your life. Send that to .
PROGRAM OF EVENTS40th_anniversary_celebration_list_of_events.pdf
And, we hope you can join us Saturday, July 6th from 4pm-7pm as we continue the festivities with an Anniversary Dance Party and family potluck! Bring your own drink. We look forward to seeing you there!