Nature-Based Practices for Modern Mystics with Rev. Dr. Chris Nygren

Thu, February 02 2023 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Join Rev. Dr. Chris Nygren in cultivating the sacredness of nature into our everyday living. Together, we'll deepen our knowledge, action and connection with the more-than-human world. We'll reference an optional book, Dana O'Driscoll's Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel of the Year through Earth-Centered Sustainable Practices.
O'Driscoll's book invites us to address three major challenges in being modern mystics in sacred relationship with Nature: 
1. Deprogramming our minds and opening our heart spaces
2. Reintegrating ourselves into the Earth's rhythms and cycles
3. Practicing sacred action in alignment with the seasons of the year
Meeting near the time of the solstices, equinoxes and cross-quarters, we'll explore wisdom from the heart and the mind, walking in harmony and care with the land, and transforming our lives, landscapes and communities. 
Sign up now for this 8-part study group on Zoom. Registration fee for the series of 8 sessions is $80.00 total. You can engage in the group on Zoom or face-to-face at Unity Center of Peace, Chapel Hill. Once registered, you will receive a zoom link to each session a day or two prior.
Thursdays, 7-8:30pm (ET)
Thursday February 2 (Imbolc) - Wisdom through Oak Knowledge and Reskilling 
Thursday March 23 (Spring Equinox) - Spring Cleaning and Disposing of the Disposable Mindset
Thursday May 4 (Beltane) - Sacred Actions in our Homes
Thursday June 22 (Summer Solstice) - Food and Nourishment
Thursday August 3 (Lughnasadh) - Landscapes, Gardens and Lawn Liberations
Thursday September 21 (Fall Equinox) - Earth Ambassadorship, Community, and Broader work in the World
Thursday November 1 (Samhain) - Sustainable Ritual Tools, Items and Offerings
Thursday December 21 (Winter Solstice) - The Ethics of Care
Recommended optional book: Sacred Actions: Living the Wheel of the Year through Earth-Centered Sustainable Practices by Dana O'Driscoll. Read more about the book HERE
About Rev. Dr. Chris Nygren
Rev. Dr. Chris Nygren re-connects people with their own luminous nature through mindful and mystical outdoor experiences. Rev. Chris is an interfaith interspiritual minister ordained by One Spirit Learning Alliance in New York City. She serves as minister of Outdoor Sacred Spaces at the Unity Center of Peace in Chapel Hill, NC and as a minister in residence at the Unity Centre of Montreal. Rev Chris is a mesa carrier in the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition, a Professional Practitioner of Esoteric (bioenergy) Healing and a Kripalu Mindful Outdoor Guide.