Jesus the Good Shepherd


On Sunday April 7 we gathered on the Serenity Trail for a celebration to welcome the statue of Jesus The Good Shepherd to our Sacred Spaces.

Rev Rosemary provided the following titled “The Lord is my Shepherd from New Thought Perspective”.

"When I say with the psalmist, 'The Lord is my Shepherd' I am thinking in the spiritual Dimension and claiming my Beingness in the fullness of light and life.

When I turn within and welcome the reliable abundance of every blessing, I find the table of love abundantly spread with every possible gift, and the oil of love anointing me lovingly and gently.  My cup of living water is full to overflowing.  Goodness and kindness are omnipresent.  I find myself safe, secure and wrapped in love.  

My faith in the Divine care I experience helps me to trust, no matter what seems to be about to happen to me in the Outer realm.  

As I continue to visit the green pastures within that soothe my mind and heart and help me open to Universal Love, I know, fully, that I have the power to turn my awareness within. I never need to worry or stress as long as I remember this, my Divinely nurtured power of dominion. 

The valley of death cannot harm me, for Spirit’s care for me follows the unfolding of universal spiritual laws. 

My consciousness of Love always shields me from harm. 

My cup runs over consistently as I rest in the care of my Lord and Shepherd, according to what I believe and affirm. 

In Faith, wisdom, and understanding, I know that The Divine Power stands ready to provide help.  Spirit answers my requests, according to the teachings of Jesus, as I affirm and enjoy safety as the expression of Divine Nature. 

As I follow the path Jesus taught his followers, I am grateful to experience my Oneness with the whole Universe.  

And so it is!!"

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